GetItem is called to retrieve data for a single item by specifying an ItemID.

For additional information, refer to the GetItem output reference documentation.

Retrieve an item's condition

GetItem returns an item's condition in the field in which seller originally specified it.

An item's condition may be returned in the following fields:

  • Item.ConditionID

    Items listed with an Item.ConditionID also return the human-readable Item.ConditionDisplayName in the language of the marketplace on which the item was originally listed.

    For example, a seller lists a brand new item on the eBay Germany marketplace. A GetItem call for this item is subsequently sent to the eBay US marketplace. Item.ConditionID returns Neu in German and does not convert it to New in English.

Retrieve ItemSpecifics

For listings that include Item.ItemSpecifics information, it is returned when a GetItem call is issued with DetailLevel set to:

  • ReturnAll or
  • ItemReturnAttributes.

Information for multiple-variation listings is returned in Item.Variations.Variation.VariationSpecifics.

Information included in the response includes item specific name-value pairs with some item specific names supporting multiple values.