eBay provides a Feedback system that allows buyer and seller partners to leave feedback concerning their mutual transaction. about the other participant. The Feedback score for a user is a cumulative quantitative expression of the desirability of dealing with a particular eBay user as a buyer or a seller. A user's Feedback score and their Positive feedback percentage essentially provides an overview of the user's reputation on the eBay site.

Buyers can leave a positive, negative, or neutral rating and a short comment for sellers. Sellers can only leave a positive rating and a short comment for buyers, or they can choose not to leave feedback. A given user's feedback score is a calculation based on the positive, neutral, and negative ratings. A seller gets +1 point for a positive rating, -1 point for a negative rating, and no points for a neutral rating. For more information, refer to Seller ratings.

A seller's Feedback score appears on the pages for items listed by that seller. A buyer's Feedback score appears with bids that buyer places on items. The eBay site provides a page where any one registered user may view the Feedback score and history for any other eBay user unless the user makes their feedback comments private. For additional information, refer to Making your feedback comments public or private). In API and SDK applications, a user can leave Feedback for another user or retrieve Feedback of another user.

In addition to the standard Feedback that a buyer can leave for a seller, the buyer can also choose to leave detailed seller ratings for various aspects of the transaction, such as accurate item description, communication from the seller, shipping time, and handling charges. For more information, refer to Detailed seller ratings.

On the eBay site (but not through the API), members can mutually withdraw Feedback for an order if both parties involved in the order agree to do so. In this case, Feedback left by both parties is withdrawn at the same time. Withdrawn Feedback does not affect the Feedback score for either user, but the original comments remain.

In applications, leaving Feedback for another user is done using LeaveFeedback while retrieving feedback about another user is done using GetFeedback.

For additional information refer to Feedback.