eBay Post-Order APIVersion 2.7.7


The base request type of the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label method.

Call that uses ProvideLabelRequest:


carrierEnum ( string ) [0..?]
One of the values defined in the ShippingCarrierEnum type definition must be used in this field to indicate the shipping carrier that will be used to ship the return item. This field is conditionally required if the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label method is being used to initiate an eBay shipping label. Otherwise, the carrierName field can be used to indicate which shipping carrier will be used.

Note that the ShippingCarrierEnum type defines enumeration values for some popular shipping carriers for the US, UK, Germany, Canada, and Australia, but it is not a complete global list.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use carrierEnum.

carrierName ( string ) [0..?]
This field is used to show the name of the shipping carrier.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use carrierName.

comments ( Text ) [0..?]
This container can be used to include any applicable comments about the shipping label.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use comments.

fileId ( string ) [0..?]
The unique ID of a file attached to the return request. This field may be used if the seller has associated a shipping label related file to the return request.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use fileId.

forwardShippingLabelProvided ( boolean ) [0..?]
This field should be provided and set to true if the seller has already provided the buyer with a return shipping label. This field is generally provided if the labelAction value is set to MARK_AS_SENT.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use forwardShippingLabelProvided.

labelAction ( LabelActionEnum ) [0..?]
This required field indicates what action is being taken with the POST /post-order/v2/return/{returnId}/add_shipping_label request. Based on what value is supplied here, the noLabelReason, forwardShippingLabelProvided, and labelId fields may become conditionally required.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use labelAction.

labelSentDate ( DateTime ) [0..?]
The timestamp in this container indicates when the shipping label was sent to the buyer or seller.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use labelSentDate.

This field is conditionally required if the labelAction value is set to NO_LABEL. If no shipping label is being provided, the seller must state the reason why through this field. The supported value for this field can be found in the NoSellerUploadLabelReasonEnum type definition.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use noLabelReason.

returnLabelCost ( Amount ) [0..?]
This container shows the cost of the return shipping label.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use returnLabelCost.

trackingNumber ( string ) [0..?]
The tracking number on the shipping label. If providing the tracking number, the shipping carrier must also be provided through the carrierEnum field.
See the Field Index to learn which calls use trackingNumber.